Post by jetfire21 on Jul 15, 2009 20:02:10 GMT -5
Name: Jet 'Soul' Evans
Gender: male
From: Kentucky
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Jet or as his friends call him soul is a outgoing teenager who loves music. When he is out with his friends he can be found in his family's instrument room playing one of the many instruments he had learned to play he is more then likely playing the piano.
Items-Cell phone, mp3 player
History:Jet was born to a family of highly skilled and wealthy musicians. From a young age he has been taught to play instruments the first one he learned to play was piano and then a violin. He spent his child hood practicing these two instruments to the point of mastery. When he was 5 he gave his first performance along side his father. He spent his child hood performing around the world.
Starting Digivice Ability: (everyones starting abilities is being able to travel between the digital world and the human world as you rp you gain new abilites.)
Digimon Partner
Partner- Terriormon and Lopmon
Partners personality-
Lopmon- Kind and gentle natured. Very well mannered. Always making sure everyone is okay.
Terriermon- Silly and sarcastic. Almost rude. Likes to tease people.
Bubble Blow: Fires bubbles from its mouth.
Bubble Blow: Fires bubbles from its mouth.
Koko Crusher: Kokomon fires off a stream of bubbles.
Bubble Blow: Fires bubbles from its mouth.
Blazing Ice: Lopmon leaps into the air and quickly shoots small icy crystalline bolts from his mouth that can harm his enemies as well as freeze them.
Lop Twister: Spins to form a tornado that he can attack with or throw.
Bunny Blast: Fires energy blasts from his mouth. This can be either in a rapid round of tiny blasts, or in one large concentrated blast.
Terrier Tornado: Spins himself around and shoots a green tornado at his enemies.
Twin Attacks
Double Typhoon: Team attack with Terriermon, combining their whirlwind attack.
Gauntlet Claw: Slices enemies with the silver blades that are on both of its hands.
Ninja Fist: Rapidly punches the enemy.
Gargo Pellets/Laser: Fires bullets or laser beams from the Gattling Guns on his arms.
Bunny Pummel: Uses his Gattling Guns as smashing weapons.
Bunny Blades : Its paws glow with pink light before becoming large crescent moon shaped blades. When its paws are in this state it is able to throw blades of pink light energy as well as slice and dice its enemies in close physical combat.
Ashipatoravana: Revolves like a tornado and slashes the enemy with the "Treasure Axe".
Rapid Fire: Fires powerful missiles from his arm cannons.
Miracle Missile: Fires missiles from his back rocket launchers.
Tri-Beam: Forms an energy triangle in a formation and fires a green laser from it.
Trinity Force: In this combined attack with WarGrowlmon and Taomon, Rapidmon turns into a crystal-like form, then a beam of energy, and then he combines with the other two (also in the form of energy beams at this point) into an energy arrow that resembles a crane.
Lightning Spear: Creates a bolt of lightning and throws it at the enemy
Storm of Judgment: Summons a thunder cloud that drops a set number of lightning bolts.
Gargo Missile: Fires two large missiles from the missile launchers on his shoulders.
Mega Barrage: Fires multiple weapons from everywhere on his body.
Power Pummel: A pulverizing shockwave from his fist.
Mega Twister: Knocks out his enemy, then swings the enemy's body around, flinging them off into the sky.
Juggernaut Spin Spins Rapidly creating an electrical field
Gender: male
From: Kentucky
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Jet or as his friends call him soul is a outgoing teenager who loves music. When he is out with his friends he can be found in his family's instrument room playing one of the many instruments he had learned to play he is more then likely playing the piano.
Items-Cell phone, mp3 player
History:Jet was born to a family of highly skilled and wealthy musicians. From a young age he has been taught to play instruments the first one he learned to play was piano and then a violin. He spent his child hood practicing these two instruments to the point of mastery. When he was 5 he gave his first performance along side his father. He spent his child hood performing around the world.
Starting Digivice Ability: (everyones starting abilities is being able to travel between the digital world and the human world as you rp you gain new abilites.)
Digimon Partner
Partner- Terriormon and Lopmon
Partners personality-
Lopmon- Kind and gentle natured. Very well mannered. Always making sure everyone is okay.
Terriermon- Silly and sarcastic. Almost rude. Likes to tease people.
Bubble Blow: Fires bubbles from its mouth.
Bubble Blow: Fires bubbles from its mouth.
Koko Crusher: Kokomon fires off a stream of bubbles.
Bubble Blow: Fires bubbles from its mouth.
Blazing Ice: Lopmon leaps into the air and quickly shoots small icy crystalline bolts from his mouth that can harm his enemies as well as freeze them.
Lop Twister: Spins to form a tornado that he can attack with or throw.
Bunny Blast: Fires energy blasts from his mouth. This can be either in a rapid round of tiny blasts, or in one large concentrated blast.
Terrier Tornado: Spins himself around and shoots a green tornado at his enemies.
Twin Attacks
Double Typhoon: Team attack with Terriermon, combining their whirlwind attack.
Gauntlet Claw: Slices enemies with the silver blades that are on both of its hands.
Ninja Fist: Rapidly punches the enemy.
Gargo Pellets/Laser: Fires bullets or laser beams from the Gattling Guns on his arms.
Bunny Pummel: Uses his Gattling Guns as smashing weapons.
Bunny Blades : Its paws glow with pink light before becoming large crescent moon shaped blades. When its paws are in this state it is able to throw blades of pink light energy as well as slice and dice its enemies in close physical combat.
Ashipatoravana: Revolves like a tornado and slashes the enemy with the "Treasure Axe".
Rapid Fire: Fires powerful missiles from his arm cannons.
Miracle Missile: Fires missiles from his back rocket launchers.
Tri-Beam: Forms an energy triangle in a formation and fires a green laser from it.
Trinity Force: In this combined attack with WarGrowlmon and Taomon, Rapidmon turns into a crystal-like form, then a beam of energy, and then he combines with the other two (also in the form of energy beams at this point) into an energy arrow that resembles a crane.
Lightning Spear: Creates a bolt of lightning and throws it at the enemy
Storm of Judgment: Summons a thunder cloud that drops a set number of lightning bolts.
Gargo Missile: Fires two large missiles from the missile launchers on his shoulders.
Mega Barrage: Fires multiple weapons from everywhere on his body.
Power Pummel: A pulverizing shockwave from his fist.
Mega Twister: Knocks out his enemy, then swings the enemy's body around, flinging them off into the sky.
Juggernaut Spin Spins Rapidly creating an electrical field